Monday, August 12, 2013

Why Video Interview Software Specialists Provide the Best Recruitment Service

Since video interviewing has become increasingly popular, there are many new companies offering online recruitment services which claim to provide the same service as professional recruitment services. In many cases, this is not so. There are a number of reasons why video interview software specialists can provide the best overall recruitment service.


Video Interview Software Specialists Have Specialist Skills


The recruitment process must be done correctly to provide great results. This requires knowledge about the need and operations of organizations. These specialists have the skills and experience to guide you on which questions should be asked during a video interview and can assist with reviewing the results.


They also have access to a number of resources that non specialists do not. These include safe and secure video interview software, databases and network contacts to maximize the impact of your recruitment campaign.  They usually have industry knowledge which can be used to target your interview invitations to desirable candidates who may not actually be seeking a new position, but would be ideally suited to your vacant role.


Generic Agencies are Simpler


Simpler does not always mean more effective. A hit and miss approach to recruiting can compromise the entire recruitment campaign. Using inappropriate techniques, technologies or systems can compromise the future reputation of the company. It could also impede the progress of the recruitment process, slowing it down with delays which can lose desirable applicants along the way. With the nature of the internet, failures and bad news can spread quickly through close knit networks which can tarnish your reputation and your desirability as a potential employer.


With certain specialist skill sets becoming very in demand, the last thing that you want your potential employees to think is that your company is less than competent or unprofessional. Recruitment agencies which lack the insider knowledge and skills for your industry can actually cause a multitude of complications during their simpler process.


Specialist Services Provide a Full Service


Experience and expertise is recruitment should not be underrated. Being tempted by shortcuts in the process may have short and long term repercussions. Recruitment problems cannot be solved overnight, however with access to the right tools and techniques, you may be able to streamline the process and improve the methods in which you process applicants.


Since many companies are seeking to cut costs and reduce inefficiency, it is prudent to outsource aspects of the recruitment process to a service that have the expertise to deal with it efficiently and effectively. A specialist service is more capable of attracting a greater number of suitable applicants which will dramatically increase the chances of finding the best possible candidate for the role. They have the tools and technology to source talent and provide a greater diversity of hiring options


Although specialist services may seem a little more expensive, a professional service is always worth the extra cost. Ensuring you recruit the best possible candidate from a pool of highly suitable applicants will increase your chances of a candidate who provides a good fit to the role, team and company. This will reduce costs in the short and longer term by increasing productivity, boosting staff morale, improving staff retention rate and bolstering your company culture. This can provide strength within the company to shoulder any economic changes and move forward towards business goals. The cost of making a poor recruiting decision is one that few companies can stand to bear. By limiting your recruitment options through poor practice, you are increasing your chances of making a recruitment mistake and wasting a huge amount of company resources. 

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Recruitment Rocket

Why Video Interview Software Specialists Provide the Best Recruitment Service

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