Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Frequently Asked Questions about Video Interview Software

With video interviewing software becoming a more commonly used resource, many companies are now curious to learn more. Here are just a few of the most frequently asked questions.


Is Video Interview Software Really More Efficient?


The simple answer is yes, but for a number of reasons. As all recruiters and HR professionals know, an interview is really the best way to judge the suitability of a candidate for the role. However, time and budget restraints usually mean that the number of written applicants who are invited to an interview is a very small percentage. Video interview software allows any number of interviews to be conducted simultaneously. This saves on time and money and allows for a greater spectrum of applicants to be interviewed. This permits even those who may struggle to differentiate themselves with a written application can showcase their skills and talent.


Video interviewing also allows for candidates outside of the area to apply for the role. This person may be the candidate best suited to the role, but with current work schedule and family commitments would be unable to travel for a more conventional recruitment process. The interview can be completed at a convenient time for them in a relaxed and comfortable environment to allow their personality to shine.


Is the Software Safe and Secure?


Just as security is important in conventional in-person interviews, it is also important that confidentiality and safety are maintained within the video interviewing process. In many cases the software has been encrypted to provide secure transfer of information. The recordings made are usually available as view only file which prevents the modifying or altering of content.


It is important to check the verification of security information. Reputable companies will be happy to provide reassurance about the safety and security of their software.


Do Applicants Really Like Video Interviews?


Many companies are surprised to learn that applicants do genuinely prefer video interviewing. Since they can be completed in a familiar environment at a convenient time which doesn’t impact on current work commitments or family demands, more candidates are willing to complete a video interview. They also tend to feel less stressed and are better able to respond to the questions without worrying about the non-verbal cues and body language of an in-person interviewer.


This allows the applicant to truly showcase their talents, skills, knowledge and personality. They also feel confident that since each applicant is being asked the same questions, the recruitment process is more of a level playing field with no recruiter bias.


The applicants are also not at risk of the expense and inconvenience of travelling to an in-person interview on the off chance they may be recruited for the role. This means that more people are applying for the positions offering potential employers a more diverse pool of candidates to select from.


Video interview software has revolutionized the recruitment industry. With fewer HR professionals expected to improve the recruitment process and ensure they hire the right candidate for the role, this development has been a huge success.  The efficiency and effectiveness of the process allows for more streamlined recruitment while offering better suited candidates. This saves company resources in the short time and can have a huge impact on staff retention rate, productivity and overall staff morale.


More and more companies are looking for access to this specialized recruitment tool which can maximize recruitment potential and allow the best suited candidate, regardless of geographic location and current availability to be hired. This increase in speed of recruitment ensures that the most desirable candidates are not lost to faster recruiting companies and ensures a boost in productivity as quickly as possible. 

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Recruitment Rocket

Frequently Asked Questions about Video Interview Software

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