Thursday, August 22, 2013

Full Service Online Web Recruitment with a Difference

There’s an old saying that a rising tide lifts all boats, and that’s as true for the employment sector as well. The skills, education, and experience needed for all jobs has risen over the last few years as technology invades every level of the retail market, from the CEOs office right down to the associates at the point of sale. Where once running a cash register was considered a job anyone can do, today not only is there frequently a tablet or other sophisticated device instead of a cash register, there’s a host of other skills required for even the lowest-level employee in a retail situation.

Finding ideal candidates for any job in your business can be a challenge. The question is, how can you find motivated, bright, energetic people who either have the experience you need for your retail business or the capacity to be trained on your equipment, your systems, and your products? The answer used to be, spend months bringing warm bodies in for interviews, and slowly narrow them down. The answer today is online web recruitment.

Full Service Online Web Recruitment

The advantages of online web recruitment are not only dramatic when compared to more traditional approaches to finding candidates for your jobs; they’re also scalable, meaning they increase as you widen their use. That’s because it’s the same process and level of effort whether you’re seeking one employee to run a small shop for you, or an army of employees armed with smartphone credit swipers and an encyclopaedic knowledge of your inventory and policies.

But online web recruitment is much more than just giving you access to a database of resumes and letting you choose people to interview. We do the heavy lifting for you. We reach out to national job boards and find recruits who match your requirements, so you’re not limited to the immediate local talent pool. We leverage the powerful networking sites such as LinkedIn to locate candidates who might not even be actively seeking a new job, but who would be ideal for your business. Then we create a short list of candidates and we engage them in online video interviews, either with generic questions that can apply to a wide range of positions or using questions you’ve designed specifically for this job – or a mix of both.

Online Web Recruitment with a Difference

Then we deliver the final interviews to you as videos that you can review at your leisure. This crucial extra step allows you to see who you’re considering, and not only review their resumes and responses to our questions, but observe how they interact, whether or not their appearance is professional and mature, and determine whether they would be a good fit for the culture and atmosphere of your stores or back office. You can’t really make a decision on a new hire without seeing them in person, but our online web recruitment service allows you to do this without the need for you to take the time and effort to bring people in for face-to-face interviews, unless you feel the need to do so.

Just as your staff takes advantage of new technology in order to manage inventory, handle point-of-sale operations, and engage in superior customer service, you can use the power of the Internet and a partner like us to conduct your recruitment campaigns quickly, efficiently, and thoroughly.

Recruitment Rocket

Full Service Online Web Recruitment with a Difference

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