Saturday, August 17, 2013

[INFOGRAPHIC] A Sneak Peek at The HR Initiatives Survey Results

For the past three years, HealthcareSource has conducted the HR Initiatives Survey in conjunction with  the American Society of Healthcare Human Resources Administration (ASHHRA) to determine what the top HR initiatives are to reduce costs and improve customer satisfaction and safety. Throughout the month of July, over 400 healthcare HR professionals responded to the web-based survey and were subsequently entered to win one of five ASHHRA memberships. On September 4, 2013, we will be hosting 1-hour webinar to reveal the results and to show you how they compare to last year’s findings. For a sneak peak of the survey results, check out our infographic below!

Healthcare HR Initiatives Survey

The results are in! Register for the HealthcareSource & ASHHRA HR Initiatives Survey Webinar, taking place on 9/4 at 1:00p.m. Eastern, to learn what your peers think are the biggest trends in healthcare talent management this year. 

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Hiring and Performance Strategies for Healthcare

[INFOGRAPHIC] A Sneak Peek at The HR Initiatives Survey Results

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