Tuesday, August 20, 2013

IT Recruiters: Offer Clarity and Cut Through Acronym Jungles

In the recruiting industry, it often seems like IT jobs are unique from every other job in the world. The technical aspects of IT positions and the fact that IT departments are often cultural enclaves within companies with their own distinct policies and attitudes can be intimidating to hiring managers who are unequipped to understand the technical requirements of jobs and therefore find analysing resumes a difficult task. This helps to explain that despite the fact that among IT professionals’ job boards and Internet sites are incredibly popular ways to search for job opportunities, nearly 60% of IT professionals still rely primarily on Recruitment Agencies to find their next job. The value that IT Recruiters offer hiring managers is in the way they can simplify and clarify IT requirements and handle the due diligence of resume sorting. Since hiring managers rely on recruiters, so do the IT pros they’re looking for.

IT Recruiters Offer Clarity

IT often has job requirements that are not immediately clear to people who have not been trained in information technology. It’s a rapidly-evolving industry where knowledge acquired a few years ago can already be considered obsolete, making a deep understanding almost impossible for people who are not working within the industry already – like your typical IT recruiters.

Additionally, IT departments in companies often customise the technologies used, sometimes very heavily. This means that even if a hiring manager has some familiarity with the IT field they may still not have the specific technical knowledge to be able to fairly judge job experience and certifications listed on a typical IT resume.

First Class IT Recruiters help to clarify all the acronyms and certifications with industry-specific knowledge that can quickly sort resumes, identifying the ones that have relevant, up-to-date experience that will match the company goals and culture. We always pride ourselves in having the know-how to identify qualified candidates for every department in your company.

The Importance of Culture

IT professionals often have individual styles and backgrounds, and it’s vital that a match be made not just between the job requirements in terms of things like programming languages, hardware deployment, and systems management, but also between the culture of the specific IT department and the personalities of potential employees.

This is where the best IT Recruiters shine. One of the most effective ways to judge whether an employee who has all the qualifications on paper is also a good match for the existing group and style is through an interview – but when there are a large number of qualified candidates interviews can be too unwieldy. We’ve seen huge success with our online interviews, which use either generic questions or questions supplied by our clients to ‘pre-interview’ applicants. These interviews can be viewed over the Internet, allowing hiring managers and departmental heads to quickly see the applicants responding to queries, allowing them to make an informed decision on the applicant’s suitability. This is part of what sets us apart from other recruiters.

Cutting through Acronym Jungles

IT Recruiters know that IT professionals are prone to littering their resumes and applications with technical terms, acronyms, and achievements that are either standard or extremely easy to be certified in, sometimes with the idea that non-IT professionals reviewing the resume won’t know any better.

As recruiters, it’s our job to know how to cut through these terms and see their true value. We can spot a padded resume from miles away, and we can tell at a glance if an applicant is truly the right technical fit. That combined with our extensive other services gives you all the tools you need to pick the ideal candidate from our short list.


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Recruitment Rocket

IT Recruiters: Offer Clarity and Cut Through Acronym Jungles

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