Monday, August 12, 2013

Human Resources Recruiting

In these tough economic times, all companies are faced with the decisions on how to streamline costs yet increase productivity. Unfortunately Human Resources departments are usually one of the first casualties. Many HR departments now have less staff but there are higher expectations on bringing in the best candidates possible. So what is the future for Human Resources recruiting?




There are many specialist recruitment agencies which are able to handle various aspects of the recruitment process. The key to effective outsourcing is to focus on tasks which your department lacks for either the staff resources or technological tools.


Many tasks such as pre-screening of candidates can be easily outsourced. This allows for the suitability of applicants to be effectively evaluated before they proceed further in the recruitment process. Pre-screening can be tailored to suit the particular role or company and can encompass skills and qualification verification, criminal and credit history checks and personal detail confirmation. This can be done through various checking facilities and open or closed format questionnaires. This ensures that when the formal interview stage is reached, the applicant pool is varied and filled with candidates who are not only qualified for the role but also well suited to it. This can speed up the recruitment process and ensure that valuable HR resources are not wasted skimming through resumes. Outsourcing the Pre-screening allows unsuitable applicants to be filtered out of the recruitment process without compromising the quality of the applicants proceeding further.


In many cases, HR department resources are so stretched that potentially great candidates are overlooked simply because their resume was not eye-catching. Pre-screening ensures that all applicants’ suitability is assessed for the basic knowledge, skills, qualification and personality needed to fulfill the role.


Utilize Human Resources Recruiting Tools


The developments in modern technology can be easily utilized for the recruitment process. Tools such as video interviewing are becoming more commonplace in Human Resources recruiting. Video interviewing allows for efficient time management, since applicants can be interviewed simultaneously. The questions are tailored and predetermined to suit the specific role and company. These questions are then posed to applicants for them to submit their video responses.


This provides an excellent recruitment tool. The interviews usually take place in the applicant’s own environment so they are relaxed and comfortable. This allows the applicant to showcase their talents, skills and knowledge. It also has proven to be more convenient, allowing the applicant to record their interview at a time suitable for them around their work schedule, family commitments and other obligations. There is also a huge amount of benefits for the recruiter. The video recordings can be viewed by any decision makers at a convenient time. They also provide a fuller perspective on the applicant, since you can see body language and non-visual cues without the applicant being distracted by unfamiliar surroundings and trying to judge the interviewer’s mood. Video interviews also open up the possibility of recruiting from further afield, since geography and time distances become irrelevant. This allows for candidates who are potentially the best suited to the role and the company is able to apply without the inconvenience and cost of travelling to multiple interviews and meetings.


There are a number of other recruitment tools which can provide a more efficient recruitment solution. If these tools are not readily accessible, the particular task could be outsourced to a specialist with access to the resources or tools to complete that aspect of the recruitment process.


Efficiency and Effectiveness


The key to contemporary HR recruitment is to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of the process. Recruitment can be a costly procedure which can have a long term impact on the company if the incorrect candidate is recruited. This is the main reason why many HR departments look to specialists for assistance.


Specialist agencies can provide industry knowledge for the specific field in which the role is based. This can be invaluable for a HR department who is expected to be a jack of all trades. This insider knowledge can not only source suitable candidates but ensure that the applicant pool proceeding to formal interview not only possesses the skills and qualifications needed for the role, but has the attitude and personality to allow them to flourish in the environment.


The HR department can still maintain a huge input in all aspects of the recruiting process, providing details on company culture, role requirements and skills needed, while leaving the time consuming aspects to a specialist.


The pressure on Human Resources departments to recruit the right candidate has increased significantly. All companies are aware of the long term costs recruiting an unsuitable candidate can have including decreased staff morale, higher staff turnover and impact on overall productivity. It therefore makes economic sense for the Human Resources recruiting procedure to utilize specialist agencies to outsource aspects of the process. This will ensure that the role is filled quickly and efficiently with the candidate best suited to the role, to allow an immediate impact on productivity and potential development. While this involves additional short term costs, the immediate and long term benefits can be beyond measure. 

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Recruitment Rocket

Human Resources Recruiting

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