We at Health-Care-Recruiter.com pride ourselves on the highest quality, personalized-service that medical facilities and medical job applicants alike have come to expect from us.
Friday, August 30, 2013
Share Your Breast Cancer Stories
If you live with breast cancer, love someone with breast cancer or worry about your risk for breast cancer, we want to hear from you.
Share Your Breast Cancer Stories
Thursday, August 29, 2013
[Audio Blog] Why HR is Concerned about Healthcare Reform
Last month, HealthcareSource launched the HR Initiatives Survey in conjunction with the American Society of Healthcare Human Resources Admi
nistration (ASHHRA) to determine what the top HR initiatives are to reduce costs and improve customer satisfaction and safety. Throughout the month of July, over 400 healthcare HR professionals responded to the web-based survey and were subsequently entered to win one of five ASHHRA memberships. On September 4, 2013, we will be hosting 1-hour webinar to reveal the results and to show you how they compare to last year’s findings. One of the biggest findings from the survey was that more and more healthcare HR professionals are concerned about the impact of healthcare reform. Healthcare consumers are now looking to online ranking systems, such as RateHospitals.com, to compare providers’ patient satisfaction survey scores before they decide where they would like to receive care. Listen to our audio blog to hear David Szary, Founder of LEAN Human Capital and The Recruiter Academy, and Rebecca McNeil, Senior Education Manager at HealthcareSource, discuss why HR is more invested in healthcare reform this year and why you should attend the ASHHRA and HealthcareSource HR Initiatives Survey Results Webinar.
Hiring and Performance Strategies for Healthcare
[Audio Blog] Why HR is Concerned about Healthcare Reform
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Life, Interrupted: A Test of Faith
It had never occurred to me that, with all of the progress that has been made in cancer research, none of the standard treatments would work for me. That’s when I learned about something called a clinical trial.
Life, Interrupted: A Test of Faith
Shorter Workweek May Not Increase Well-Being
Think a shorter working hours will make you happier? Maybe not, a new study suggests.
Shorter Workweek May Not Increase Well-Being
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Why A.C.L. Injuries Sideline So Many Athletes
Tears to the anterior cruciate ligament sideline more athletes for longer periods of time than almost any other acute injury. Researchers are trying to understand why the injury is so slow to heal.
Why A.C.L. Injuries Sideline So Many Athletes
Ask Well: Eating Before Exercise
The Phys Ed columnist Gretchen Reynolds responds to reader questions about fitness.
Ask Well: Eating Before Exercise
Monday, August 26, 2013
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Keeping Food-Borne Illnesses at Bay
People, not products, are the main cause of food-borne illnesses, and they can be avoided by following certain basic principles of food safety.
Keeping Food-Borne Illnesses at Bay
Looking to Genes for the Secret to Happiness
People whose happiness was based on a sense of higher purpose and service to others had gene markers indicating possible better long-term health.
Looking to Genes for the Secret to Happiness
Saturday, August 24, 2013
A Guide for Swimmers Breaking Boundaries
A new book by Lynne Cox, an open water swimmer, offers lifesaving advice for the exploding ranks of triathletes and other swimmers who are escaping the confines of pools.
A Guide for Swimmers Breaking Boundaries
Friday, August 23, 2013
Higher Nurse-to-patient Staffing Ratios Equals Better Patient Care
New research conducted by the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing, and published in Medical Care, shows that creating positive work environments for nurses and higher nurse-to-patient staffing ratios can result in healthier patients and fewer readmissions. Patients recover sooner when they are cared for by an adequately staffed nursing team who feels comfortable and happy in their work environment.
Higher Nurse-to-Patient Ratios Means Lower Mortality
Linda H. Aiken, PhD and her fellow researchers conducted a study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, showing the risks associated with a low nurse-to-patient ratio in a hospital setting. The researchers gathered data from 232,342 patients in various hospitals. After making adjustments for various hospital characteristics, including hospital size and available technology in each hospital, statistics from the data showed that “each additional patient per nurse was associated with a 7% increase in the likelihood of death withinಞ days of admission and a 7% increase in the odds of failure-to-rescue.”
Nurses Burn Out Sooner When They Have too Many Duties
The study mentioned above also found that each new patient added to a nurse’s caseload was associated with a 23% increase in the nurse’s sense of “burnout,” and a 15% decrease in the nurse’s job satisfaction. The authors report that a nurse’s perception of insufficient staffing levels also resulted from a lower level of available support staff. Nurses feel discouraged by too many “non-nursing” tasks, including delivering food trays, transporting patients and performing housekeeping chores. Healthcare organizations should consider implementing performance management software for their nursing staff so they can assign, track and evalute the goals set for their nursing staff. By aligning the nursing staff’s day-to-day tasks with organizational goals, such as increasing patient satisfaction, that should help increase employee accountablity and drive employee engagement.
Higher Nurse-to-Patient Ratios Decreases the Number of Medical Errors
Nursing Research published a study documenting the fact that as the ratio of RNs to patients increased, the number of adverse outcomes decreased. This study completed by Linda H. Aiken, PhD gathered data on the following types of adverse outcomes: medication errors, patient falls, skin breakdown, patient and family complaints, infections and deaths. Every one of the measured areas showed better results when there were more nurses available to care for patients. Another very large study of 5 million medical patients and 1.1 million surgical patients, conducted by the U.S. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), found that in hospitals with higher RN staffing ratios, there were better patient outcomes in the areas of UTIs, pneumonia, shock, upper gastrointestinal bleeding and the length of hospital stays. The study noted that higher staffing rates of all kinds of caregivers (not only RNs) was associated with a 2 to 25% improvement in patient outcomes. Three separate studies, funded by the AHRQ noted that pneumonia statistics were uniquely vulnerable to inadequate levels of nursing care. One of these studies indicated that 1 more hour of RN time per patient, per day, resulted in an 8.9% decrease in the likelihood of a surgical patient developing cancer. Along the same lines, another study shows a 9.5% decrease in pneumonia for every 10% increase in nurse staffing levels. In order to ensure that nurse staffing levels are meeting patient needs, hospital’s should consider implementing applicant tracking technology. By utilizing an applicant tracking system, hospital’s will be able to streamline their recruiting processes and ensure that they always have a robust candidate pool of potential nurses to maintain adequate staffing levels.
Job Satisfaction Among Nurses Can be Improved
A University of Pennsylvania survey of over 13,000 hospital nurses found that only಼% were satisfied with their jobs, and over 33% felt that there were not enough RNs to provide patients with high-quality care.Nurses have a higher than average job dissatisfaction rate due to the demands of their job. A nurse’s level of job satisfaction is an important element in creating positive outcomes for their patients. Therefore, it’s crucial to hire nurses who are more likely act in a positive manner on the job. When healthcare talent acquisition professions utilize behavioral assessments in the hiring process to assess their nurses and direct care workers, they are able to identify people who possess the inherent behavioral competencies needed to succeed. When a candidate completes a behavioral assessment survey, they are being assessed for competencies such as compassion, service-excellence and customer focus, which are all qualities that are likely to contribute to creating a more positive work environment. As Matthew McHugh, study leader and assistant professor at the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing, said, “Patients are better off in hospitals where nurses are happier doing their job.”
Learn how recruitment best practices can increase HCAHPS scores. Download our white paper: Four Recruiting Best Practices that Increase HCAHPS Scores!
Hiring and Performance Strategies for Healthcare
Higher Nurse-to-patient Staffing Ratios Equals Better Patient Care
Four Frittatas and a Terrine
Crack some eggs to make these delicious and surprisingly-portable frittatas (and a terrine) inspired by the tastes of Provence from Martha Rose Shulman.
Four Frittatas and a Terrine
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Waiting to Hear From the Doctor
My wife reminded me that when one of my patients calls, concerned that they have leukemia, that I always reassure them that the test was probably wrong. Then she asked, “Why can’t you follow your own advice?â
Waiting to Hear From the Doctor
Full Service Online Web Recruitment with a Difference
There’s an old saying that a rising tide lifts all boats, and that’s as true for the employment sector as well. The skills, education, and experience needed for all jobs has risen over the last few years as technology invades every level of the retail market, from the CEOs office right down to the associates at the point of sale. Where once running a cash register was considered a job anyone can do, today not only is there frequently a tablet or other sophisticated device instead of a cash register, there’s a host of other skills required for even the lowest-level employee in a retail situation.
Finding ideal candidates for any job in your business can be a challenge. The question is, how can you find motivated, bright, energetic people who either have the experience you need for your retail business or the capacity to be trained on your equipment, your systems, and your products? The answer used to be, spend months bringing warm bodies in for interviews, and slowly narrow them down. The answer today is online web recruitment.
Full Service Online Web Recruitment
The advantages of online web recruitment are not only dramatic when compared to more traditional approaches to finding candidates for your jobs; they’re also scalable, meaning they increase as you widen their use. That’s because it’s the same process and level of effort whether you’re seeking one employee to run a small shop for you, or an army of employees armed with smartphone credit swipers and an encyclopaedic knowledge of your inventory and policies.
But online web recruitment is much more than just giving you access to a database of resumes and letting you choose people to interview. We do the heavy lifting for you. We reach out to national job boards and find recruits who match your requirements, so you’re not limited to the immediate local talent pool. We leverage the powerful networking sites such as LinkedIn to locate candidates who might not even be actively seeking a new job, but who would be ideal for your business. Then we create a short list of candidates and we engage them in online video interviews, either with generic questions that can apply to a wide range of positions or using questions you’ve designed specifically for this job – or a mix of both.
Online Web Recruitment with a Difference
Then we deliver the final interviews to you as videos that you can review at your leisure. This crucial extra step allows you to see who you’re considering, and not only review their resumes and responses to our questions, but observe how they interact, whether or not their appearance is professional and mature, and determine whether they would be a good fit for the culture and atmosphere of your stores or back office. You can’t really make a decision on a new hire without seeing them in person, but our online web recruitment service allows you to do this without the need for you to take the time and effort to bring people in for face-to-face interviews, unless you feel the need to do so.
Just as your staff takes advantage of new technology in order to manage inventory, handle point-of-sale operations, and engage in superior customer service, you can use the power of the Internet and a partner like us to conduct your recruitment campaigns quickly, efficiently, and thoroughly.
Recruitment Rocket
Full Service Online Web Recruitment with a Difference
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
At the Chiropractor, Well-Adjusted Pets
Chiropractic is gaining popularity among pet owners, as a way to treat animals suffering from arthritis, sprains, joint pain and other ailments.
At the Chiropractor, Well-Adjusted Pets
Study Ties Poor Oral Hygiene to Cancer-Causing Virus
Researchers report a greater risk of the human papillomavirus, HPV, but other experts questioned the study.
Study Ties Poor Oral Hygiene to Cancer-Causing Virus
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
How Exercise Can Help Us Sleep Better
If you habitually experience insomnia, exercise can help you sleep better, a new study found. But it can take up to four months before you see results, and you may sleep worse on days you exercise.
How Exercise Can Help Us Sleep Better
College Prep, This Time for Health
As recent high school graduates set off for college, the responsibility for their health shifts, and both parents and students should prepare for the change.
College Prep, This Time for Health
IT Recruiters: Offer Clarity and Cut Through Acronym Jungles
In the recruiting industry, it often seems like IT jobs are unique from every other job in the world. The technical aspects of IT positions and the fact that IT departments are often cultural enclaves within companies with their own distinct policies and attitudes can be intimidating to hiring managers who are unequipped to understand the technical requirements of jobs and therefore find analysing resumes a difficult task. This helps to explain that despite the fact that among IT professionals’ job boards and Internet sites are incredibly popular ways to search for job opportunities, nearly 60% of IT professionals still rely primarily on Recruitment Agencies to find their next job. The value that IT Recruiters offer hiring managers is in the way they can simplify and clarify IT requirements and handle the due diligence of resume sorting. Since hiring managers rely on recruiters, so do the IT pros they’re looking for.
IT Recruiters Offer Clarity
IT often has job requirements that are not immediately clear to people who have not been trained in information technology. It’s a rapidly-evolving industry where knowledge acquired a few years ago can already be considered obsolete, making a deep understanding almost impossible for people who are not working within the industry already – like your typical IT recruiters.
Additionally, IT departments in companies often customise the technologies used, sometimes very heavily. This means that even if a hiring manager has some familiarity with the IT field they may still not have the specific technical knowledge to be able to fairly judge job experience and certifications listed on a typical IT resume.
First Class IT Recruiters help to clarify all the acronyms and certifications with industry-specific knowledge that can quickly sort resumes, identifying the ones that have relevant, up-to-date experience that will match the company goals and culture. We always pride ourselves in having the know-how to identify qualified candidates for every department in your company.
The Importance of Culture
IT professionals often have individual styles and backgrounds, and it’s vital that a match be made not just between the job requirements in terms of things like programming languages, hardware deployment, and systems management, but also between the culture of the specific IT department and the personalities of potential employees.
This is where the best IT Recruiters shine. One of the most effective ways to judge whether an employee who has all the qualifications on paper is also a good match for the existing group and style is through an interview – but when there are a large number of qualified candidates interviews can be too unwieldy. We’ve seen huge success with our online interviews, which use either generic questions or questions supplied by our clients to ‘pre-interview’ applicants. These interviews can be viewed over the Internet, allowing hiring managers and departmental heads to quickly see the applicants responding to queries, allowing them to make an informed decision on the applicant’s suitability. This is part of what sets us apart from other recruiters.
Cutting through Acronym Jungles
IT Recruiters know that IT professionals are prone to littering their resumes and applications with technical terms, acronyms, and achievements that are either standard or extremely easy to be certified in, sometimes with the idea that non-IT professionals reviewing the resume won’t know any better.
As recruiters, it’s our job to know how to cut through these terms and see their true value. We can spot a padded resume from miles away, and we can tell at a glance if an applicant is truly the right technical fit. That combined with our extensive other services gives you all the tools you need to pick the ideal candidate from our short list.
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Recruitment Rocket
IT Recruiters: Offer Clarity and Cut Through Acronym Jungles
Monday, August 19, 2013
Really? Yawning Is Contagious Between Dogs and Their Owners
Researchers have confirmed what many pet owners have long suspected: Dogs, too, are contagious yawners.
Really? Yawning Is Contagious Between Dogs and Their Owners
A Salmonella Warning for Vegetarians
Scientists have traced a large outbreak of salmonella to an unusual source: tempeh, the popular meat substitute.
A Salmonella Warning for Vegetarians
Hiring To Fit Your Corporate Culture: HR Proceedures
The culture of a company has been recognized as an integral part of day to day business. This makes hiring to fit your corporate culture extremely important to ensure that you hire the right candidate who will work well in the environment and reduce the rate of staff turnover.
Why Corporate Culture is Important
Corporate culture has always been in every company, but it has now become more prominent. Many employers now seek to actively mould their culture rather than allow it to progressively develop without structure. A well-defined corporate culture can actively promote great business performance and can result in a much higher rate of staff retention. The most effective examples of corporate culture have been guided and set carefully to be based on shared goals and beliefs between employees and management. It can inadvertently define the perceptions on actions and consequences, for example promoting feedback and responsiveness to ideas. If members of staff feel they may be punished or have ideas received negatively, then they may not come forward even when asked.
The corporate culture is related to almost every aspect of the business including processes, values, environment, goals and structure of the management team. This makes it essential that the new recruit will complement the existing culture, adapting easily to the etiquette involved in work flow and be willing and able to conform to the routines or rituals which make up the culture.
The corporate culture encompasses the package of work routines, environment, values, branding, structure of management and the objectives and goals of the company. This makes it imperative that recruitment takes into account how the applicant will complement the corporate culture, how they will adopt the work flow etiquette and conform to the rituals and routines which contribute to the overall culture. This means that hiring to fit your corporate culture is a must.
HR Procedures which Aid Hiring to Fit Your Corporate Culture
In the past the only way to fully assess whether a candidate would be a good fit into the corporate culture was a face to face interview. Obviously this is extremely slow and an inefficient use of time. However, there are a number of tools now readily available which can make this process quicker and more efficient.
Although it is impractical to attempt to interview all candidates, many applications can be pre-screened. This allows obviously unqualified or unsuitable candidates to be eliminated. This ensures that any applicants who proceed further into the recruiting process have the basic skills or qualifications needed to fulfil the role.
Another suitable procedure to adopt is video applications. Standard written applications can tend to be cold and can fail to showcase the personality of the applicant. Conducting video applications which can be easily viewed again and by multiple recruiters can allow the recruitment panel to view the genuine knowledge of the candidate and by the use of tailored and specific questions, judge whether their personality would be a good fit within the corporate culture. For example if casual Fridays are an integral part of your company culture, the recruiter can judge the candidates suitability based on their reactions on the video application. A candidate who shows enthusiasm for this is far more likely to be a better fit in the culture.
Failing to adapt HR procedures to allow hiring to fit your corporate culture can have a huge impact on your business. Where an unsuitable recruit can impede productivity and lower staff morale, the recruit best suited to the corporate culture will not only increase productivity but will actively increase staff morale and provide a boost to the whole company.
Recruitment Rocket
Hiring To Fit Your Corporate Culture: HR Proceedures
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Improvements to Oil and Gas Recruiting
With advancements in technology, the oil and gas industry is one of the most progressive sectors in the world. However, the techniques for recruiting have fallen woefully short of this high standard. This is largely caused by the oil and gas recruiters lacking the expertise in the technical details to recruit candidates with the nuanced and complex skills and qualities required for the roles. This can be a problem throughout the whole human resources recruitment process, which fails to provide enough of a pool of qualified and suitable candidates to proceed to interview.
Expert Oil and Gas Recruiters
Engaging expert oil and gas recruiters can resolve this problem to a large degree. Having the recruiting process be expert led can allow a greater flow of more accurate information throughout recruitment and produce a larger pool of better quality candidates for the role.
Candidates can be pre-screened for suitability, which can save time and make the whole process more efficient. Pre-screening the applications for skills and experience needed for the role, can ensure that all candidates for interview have the all the prerequisites and are able to fulfill the role. It then allows the interview panel to select the candidate best suited to the role, rather than the most convenient applicant. It also ensures that all attractive and qualified candidates proceed through the recruitment process, rather than be missed due to the time pressure of scanning large numbers of unsuitable applicants.
Expertise in the field of recruiting is also beneficial for offering feedback. Candidates in today’s recruiting market have come to expect feedback in the form of questions, observations or general information. If this can be delivered by an expert recruiter, it will not only keep qualified and suitable candidates interested while a decision is being reached, but will actively improve the effectiveness of the recruitment search.
Promote the Correct Value Proposition
For decades, the brand reputation and equity linked to a company’s name was enough to draw interest and attract the best candidates; the best example of this is the company IBM during the 80’s and 90’s. However, in the last few years this dynamic has changed and many companies are increasingly finding that they need to compete for talent amid the diverse motivations of the women or men that they would pursue. Some candidates are looking for an aggressive career path while others are looking to balance home life and work more equally. So, while a weak economy can provide an advantage to hiring managers, in that they will have more candidates vying for the position, the best and most talented candidates will always maintain an advantage and be in demand.
The companies of today including those with big names in traditional sectors or industries are now finding themselves in competition with niche and start-up companies for the top or best candidates. A company which can identify, define and promote the correct value proposition will be in a position to attract the best skilled and top candidates. In real terms, this means that the position, brand and company should be marketed in the same way as a service or product to convince the top candidates to choose the hiring company.
Creating a Sense of Urgency
Simply because the best candidate for the role may be in great demand, it is important that the recruitment process has a sense of urgency. Obviously this does not mean rushing through recruitment and potentially making a mistake, but taking advantage of all the developments in modern technology to streamline the recruitment process.
Pre-screening plays a role in this, but it is important to use all available resources to ensure time efficiency. Methods such as video interviewing can assist with candidates who live outside the area. This allows for all the benefits of a face to face interview without the inconvenience of long distance travel. These interviews can also be kept on file and reviewed again by different members of an interviewing panel to assess the suitability of a candidate before committing to a formal interview.
The ability to effectively recruit and retain top performing candidates is imperative to the accomplishments and success of any company. This places oil and gas recruiters under considerable pressure to hire the best suited candidate for the role. The most effective way to achieve this is by using a recruiter who has a full understanding of the industry and the specific challenges and requirements. Not using this approach can be counterproductive and become quite costly in the long term.
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Recruitment Rocket
Improvements to Oil and Gas Recruiting
Saturday, August 17, 2013
The Calculus of Primary Care
Primary care doctors must sometimes disown a patient to give the best care possible, but patients may resist being handed off to specialists.
The Calculus of Primary Care
A Powerful Tool in the Doctor’s Toolkit
How caregivers present and administer treatments has a powerful effect on clinical outcomes.
A Powerful Tool in the Doctor’s Toolkit
[INFOGRAPHIC] A Sneak Peek at The HR Initiatives Survey Results
For the past three years, HealthcareSource has conducted the HR Initiatives Survey in conjunction with the American Society of Healthcare Human Resources Administration (ASHHRA) to determine what the top HR initiatives are to reduce costs and improve customer satisfaction and safety. Throughout the month of July, over 400 healthcare HR professionals responded to the web-based survey and were subsequently entered to win one of five ASHHRA memberships. On September 4, 2013, we will be hosting 1-hour webinar to reveal the results and to show you how they compare to last year’s findings. For a sneak peak of the survey results, check out our infographic below!
The results are in! Register for the HealthcareSource & ASHHRA HR Initiatives Survey Webinar, taking place on 9/4 at 1:00p.m. Eastern, to learn what your peers think are the biggest trends in healthcare talent management this year.
Hiring and Performance Strategies for Healthcare
[INFOGRAPHIC] A Sneak Peek at The HR Initiatives Survey Results
Friday, August 16, 2013
Hot Days, Cold Noodles
Cold Asian noodles can make a light but satisfying meal during the last days of summer Martha Rose Shulman writes in this week’s Recipes for Health.
Hot Days, Cold Noodles
The Challenges of Healthcare Recruiting
As with most fields, an adverse economic climate produces more response to job vacancy advertisements. In the medical and healthcare profession, this is not necessarily a bonus. The healthcare field is consistently faced with a shortage of trained staff to meet the continuously rising demand. However, the field requires a very specific range of skills, qualifications and experiences which makes many aspects of Healthcare recruiting a challenge.
Field Specific Healthcare Recruiting
The major challenge of healthcare recruiting is the sheer diversity within the medical field. Each specific field and even location can impact the desired skills, experience and personality of the most suitable candidate. This can stretch many in house human resources teams, which are also dealing with everyday personnel issues, yet comprehensive knowledge is needed to ensure that the candidate best suited to the role is recruited.
Many healthcare organizations are turning to external recruitment specialists for this very reason. Specialist recruiters have a great deal of experience in the medical field and understand the requirements and demands fully. This allows them to assess the suitability of candidates through pre-screening before they are presented to proceed further within the recruitment process. Pre-screening can be used to establish that the applicants possess the basic qualifications and requirements which are essential in the appropriate candidate. This method can improve the efficiency and speed of the recruitment process to ensure the vacancy is filled quickly with a candidate who is likely to thrive within the role and the organization.
Other Tools of Specialist Recruiters
Specialist recruiters have access to a number of recruitment tools which utilize the developments in modern technology. An excellent example of this is the use of video interviewing. This allows candidates from all over the world to present themselves for an initial interview without the constraints of travel or time zone differences. Video interviewing also allows the candidate to showcase their skills and personality which are not often seen with a traditional written application. Although applicants may have the skills and qualifications on paper, they may not be suited to a certain environment or organization. The analysis of a video interview allows the recruiter to assess the personality and demeanor of the applicant to judge their suitability. An example of this is the need for rural practitioners.
Throughout the country almost twenty percent of the population lives in rural areas, but there is always a high demand for medical and healthcare professionals. While many applicants appear suitable during conventional healthcare recruiting processes, specific questions can be posed during video interviewing to judge whether the applicant is prepared and willing to adjust to the different challenges which a rural practice entails. This can be a very cost effective method of ensuring that the applicants who make it through to a face to face formal interview are not only qualified but enthusiastic about the particular environment in which the role is based.
Costs of Poor Healthcare Recruitment Processes
With the demand for healthcare professionals set to dramatically increase, the pressure to make good recruitment decisions is becoming extremely intense. As with all professions, there is a significant financial cost to recruiting unsuitable candidates. This not only includes the additional costs of the recruitment process and loss of efficiency when the role is once again left vacant, but there is also damage to the public relations of the institution.
With the demand for healthcare professionals far outstripping the current supply, good public relations becomes essential. Each institution is looking to attract the best candidates into their employ. High staff turnover rates give the impression that the institution is not a good work environment and the increased recruitment costs compromises other areas of the institution.
The healthcare field is consistently understaffed which means that there is tremendous pressure to ensure that correct recruitment decisions are made. Outsourcing this task to an external specialist agency can significantly reduce short and long term costs and ensure that only the best candidates are presented for final formal interview, saving time, resources and cost.
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Recruitment Rocket
The Challenges of Healthcare Recruiting
Is There Danger Lurking in Your Lipstick?
A new study finds some lipsticks and glosses contain a number of metals, including lead, cadmium and aluminum.
Is There Danger Lurking in Your Lipstick?
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Patina Miller’s Broadway Workout
“The feeling that you get from being in control of your health and the way you look is a feeling like no other,” says the Tony Award-winning “Pippin” actress Patina Miller.
Patina Miller’s Broadway Workout
Tips for Choosing Executive Healthcare Recruiters
With the demand for healthcare professionals on the increase, many institutions are struggling to fulfill their recruiting needs. Hiring executive healthcare recruiters can be a fantastic method of improving pace and effectiveness of the recruitment process. The best recruiters can be a huge asset and can ensure the smooth running of the process, making it easier for the hiring panel or human resources department to find and hire the best suited candidate for their vacant roles.
Building a good working relationship with these recruiters can provide a boon to the institutions recruitment achievements for many years. However, selecting the wrong agency can be a waste of precious resources including time and money. So, how do you make the right choice in hiring a healthcare recruiter?
Question the methods of the Executive Healthcare Recruiters
It is important to question the recruitment methods and tools the executive healthcare recruiters use to fill vacant positions. There are a variety of different methods and approaches and you need to be sure that you find an agency which uses the methods you feel are most appropriate. Ask how they will find candidates for you. Many agencies use very basic methods such as internet advertisement and searches but although this can be an effective approach, it fails to include some of the best and most qualified potential candidates who are not actively looking to change position.
The best recruiters use multiple approaches to source candidates for your institution. They may employ internet research techniques but will also search through their extensive network to locate those candidates who are actively looking for work and those who could be interested.
The majority of agencies will also agree to pre-screen and conduct preliminary interviewing. This can eliminate any obviously unsuitable applicants and ensure that only those applicants who show the most promise and possess the relevant experience, knowledge and skills proceed through the recruitment process. The agency can also assess the personality of each applicant to assess their suitability for the particular demands of the specific environment of the role. For example, although on paper many applicants are suitable for rural practices and institutions, only a select few would be suitable for the different approach and atmosphere the environment demands.
Meet the Recruitment Team
It is also important to establish the roles each member of the recruitment team fulfills. For example, who will conduct the preliminary interviewing? Will it be done by one person or a team? Will the person who has completed the actual research of the candidates participate in the interviews? This can affect the efficiency of the recruitment process. It is unlikely that the person who secured your business will be the actual recruiter for candidates. You need to ensure that the entire team is fully briefed on the requirements and demands for the role and that only the best in executive healthcare recruiters is working for you.
Discuss the Timeframe and Payment
It is also important that you are aware of the timeframe needed and the costs involved. Reputable recruiters provide a transparent and comprehensive structure of fees which prevents any unpleasant surprises on arrival of the invoice. Experienced professionals will also have an accurate timeframe which allows for the sourcing and placement of the best suited candidates.
You must be comfortable with the timeframe and ensure you question it if you feel it is too long or too short. Any professional recruiter will be able to justify their timeframe and specify why it will take a certain period of time. This will give you an additional feeling of confidence that the agency can fulfill your recruiting requirements in the best possible amount of time.
These tips can be of assistance to ensure you hire the best recruitment professionals. This could potentially be the start of a long term working relationship, so you must be confident and comfortable with the approaches and methods used. Ensure you obtain references from other clients and candidates who have utilized their services. This will allow you access to all the relevant information to make a well informed choice.
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Recruitment Rocket
Tips for Choosing Executive Healthcare Recruiters
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Some experts say that part of the problem is simply that many patients, and even some doctors, incorrectly regard coronary artery disease as a plumbing problem.
Heart Stents Still Overused, Experts Say
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
New Debate on Prostate Cancer Drug
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How Video Interviewing Can Help Recruiters
With modern day businesses under pressure to streamline expenses and improve efficiency, many human resource departments are needing to operate with fewer resources yet have a greater demand to find the right candidate with the correct skill set, knowledge and personality to fit into the company culture. Many recruiters are trying to diversify recruiting techniques to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the overall process. Video interviewing is one such tool.
Why Video Interviewing?
Video interviewing has become extremely popular and is now a common element of many companies’ recruitment processes. It provides an extremely efficient use of resources allowing recruiters to simultaneously interview multiple candidates with the interviews available for assessment and review at a convenient time.
Since the average cost of traditional recruitment processes are estimated to be between $ 1500 and $ 5000 per vacancy and a timeframe of forty five days is the average to fill the vacancy, video interviewing presents a huge saving of time and resources.
Video interviewing takes a fraction of the time of conventional face to face or telephone interviewing. The pre-determined questions can be created through team collaboration to allow for all decision makers to have their key issues addressed.
Other Benefits to Recruiters
Video interviewing also allows a wider candidate pool to qualify for final assessment. In the past geographical location and differences in time zone presented a huge recruitment challenge. This is not the case with video interviewing. Candidates can complete their interviews at a convenient time which is suited to their current employment demands and family commitments. They do not incur the inconvenience and costs associated with travelling and therefore candidates with the correct skill sets and experience are more likely to apply.
Video interviewing also allows the candidates to showcase their true skills, knowledge and personality. Many applicants find traditional recruitment methods cold and lacking the flexibility to highlight their suitability for the role and organization. The video submissions can be held on file to allow all members of the recruitment panel or decision makers to view the interviews without scheduling conflicts. They also provide the recruitment team with an invaluable insight into the personality, body language and non-vocal signals which can reflect suitability for the corporate culture.
Real World Benefits of Video Interviewing
In addition to improving the efficiency and speed of the recruitment process, which can prevent desirable candidates from accepting other employment offers before decisions have been made, video interviewing also allows a more rounded approach to recruiting.
Since poor decisions and faults in the recruitment process have been attributed to eighty percent of staff turnover rates, video interview submissions allow a truer picture of the candidate. This can ensure that there is no memory bias as the interviews can be viewed as many times as necessary before a final decision is reached. The candidates can be shortlisted and ranked for suitability and all relevant parties can collaborate on the decision making process with first hand viewing of the interview.
Video interviewing allows for candidates to conduct their interviews in a comfortable and relaxed interview which means they are more focused on their answers to the questions posed rather than trying to engender a rapport. This provides a truer picture of the genuine candidate and how suitable they are for the role, department and organization.
Video interviewing takes advantage of the developments in modern technology. Since the majority of candidates have access to some form of digital recorder from web cams, cell phones, tablet devices or laptop computers, they provide a uniform series of submission which allows all the candidates to be evaluated on a level playing field.
While video interviewing can reduce short term costs of recruiting, it can have a huge impact on long term costs; increasing productivity, reducing staff turnover rates and boosting staff morale. This simple and effective process can completely transform the recruitment process as you know it.
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Recruitment Rocket
How Video Interviewing Can Help Recruiters
Not Yet Video Interviewing? It's Easier Than You Think!
Video interviewing is fast becoming an established and essential component of the modern recruitment process. It utilizes the developments in modern technology which have allowed the majority of applicants’ access to digital recording devices incorporated into cell phone, tablet devices, digital cameras and laptop computers.
Why Video Interview
Video interviewing presents a more cost effective yet thorough interviewing tool. It is not restricted by geographical location or differences in time zone since the candidates can complete their interview at a convenient time which suits their family commitments and existing work schedule. Video interviewing also offers a deeper insight from more conventional alternatives such as telephone interviewing since the candidates non-verbal signals and body language can be seen. The pre-determined questions are flexible enough to allow the candidate to showcase their skill set, abilities and knowledge and provide the company with a truer insight into their personality. This can make assessment easier as candidates can be judged by all members of a recruitment panel to view how suitable and prepared they are to adapt to the company culture.
The video interviews can be completed at a comfortable and relaxed location for the candidate which allows them to concentrate more on answering the questions posed rather than be distracted by the body language of the interviewer or the office surroundings. The interview recordings can be kept on file to be viewed by different decision makers and re-watched before final selection.
How Video Interviewing Works
The process is kept quite simple. The questions can be created as a collaborated effort from decision makers in all areas of the company. Specialist recruitment agencies can also provide advice and guidance as to what questions should be asked and what information you are looking for from the applicants.
The applications are screened to judge which candidates should be selected for video interview. The beauty of video interviewing is that interviews can be conducted simultaneously so it creates a larger recruitment pool for review.
The video interviews can either be conducted live at a mutually convenient time and location, or completed by the candidate in their own environment at a time to suit their own schedule.
The interviews normally consist of between ten and fifteen questions. The applicant is given a set period of time for responses and in some cases can pause the interview if needed.
The applicants treat the interview as if it were a formal face to face interview. They are briefed on the role and given the opportunity to conduct their own research. Each candidate then addresses the answers to the questions at the screen, allowing their personality, skills and knowledge to be fully demonstrated.
Candidate Benefits to Video Interviewing
As video interviewing has become more commonplace, more and more applicants are voicing their support. This form of interviewing allows candidates to feel more relaxed and confident and they feel that all the applicants will be judged equally. For many applicants who find that formal applications fail to allow flexibility, a video interview allows the candidate to shine.
Video interviewing also considerably reduces the length of time the recruitment process takes to fill a vacancy. This ensures that candidates are given the opportunity to keep their options open and not accept other employment offers, as they know they will be advised of the interview outcome quickly. This keeps the best and most skilled applicants enthusiastic about the role and organization. Specialist recruitment agencies are also able to use this format to facilitate the flow of feedback and actively promote the role and company.
Video Interviewing is easier and far less costly than you would imagine. Specialist recruitment agencies can complete the process quickly and effectively ensuring that the best suited candidate is placed in the role as soon as possible. This represents a huge saving in the short term, and a large impact in the longer term with improved productivity and efficiency, reduced staff turnover rate and improved staff morale.
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Recruitment Rocket
Not Yet Video Interviewing? It's Easier Than You Think!
Afraid to Get Tested? Slow Down and Think About It
When it comes to learning whether they are at risk for certain diseases by getting a medical test, millions of people would rather just not know.
Afraid to Get Tested? Slow Down and Think About It
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
A Simple Device to Detect Concussions
A variety of scientifically validated tools exist to measure a player’s reaction time, which is slower after a concussion, but most require a computer and sophisticated software. A simple new technique can be used on the sidelines and meets the budgets of almost all teams.
A Simple Device to Detect Concussions
Frequently Asked Questions about Video Interview Software
With video interviewing software becoming a more commonly used resource, many companies are now curious to learn more. Here are just a few of the most frequently asked questions.
Is Video Interview Software Really More Efficient?
The simple answer is yes, but for a number of reasons. As all recruiters and HR professionals know, an interview is really the best way to judge the suitability of a candidate for the role. However, time and budget restraints usually mean that the number of written applicants who are invited to an interview is a very small percentage. Video interview software allows any number of interviews to be conducted simultaneously. This saves on time and money and allows for a greater spectrum of applicants to be interviewed. This permits even those who may struggle to differentiate themselves with a written application can showcase their skills and talent.
Video interviewing also allows for candidates outside of the area to apply for the role. This person may be the candidate best suited to the role, but with current work schedule and family commitments would be unable to travel for a more conventional recruitment process. The interview can be completed at a convenient time for them in a relaxed and comfortable environment to allow their personality to shine.
Is the Software Safe and Secure?
Just as security is important in conventional in-person interviews, it is also important that confidentiality and safety are maintained within the video interviewing process. In many cases the software has been encrypted to provide secure transfer of information. The recordings made are usually available as view only file which prevents the modifying or altering of content.
It is important to check the verification of security information. Reputable companies will be happy to provide reassurance about the safety and security of their software.
Do Applicants Really Like Video Interviews?
Many companies are surprised to learn that applicants do genuinely prefer video interviewing. Since they can be completed in a familiar environment at a convenient time which doesn’t impact on current work commitments or family demands, more candidates are willing to complete a video interview. They also tend to feel less stressed and are better able to respond to the questions without worrying about the non-verbal cues and body language of an in-person interviewer.
This allows the applicant to truly showcase their talents, skills, knowledge and personality. They also feel confident that since each applicant is being asked the same questions, the recruitment process is more of a level playing field with no recruiter bias.
The applicants are also not at risk of the expense and inconvenience of travelling to an in-person interview on the off chance they may be recruited for the role. This means that more people are applying for the positions offering potential employers a more diverse pool of candidates to select from.
Video interview software has revolutionized the recruitment industry. With fewer HR professionals expected to improve the recruitment process and ensure they hire the right candidate for the role, this development has been a huge success. The efficiency and effectiveness of the process allows for more streamlined recruitment while offering better suited candidates. This saves company resources in the short time and can have a huge impact on staff retention rate, productivity and overall staff morale.
More and more companies are looking for access to this specialized recruitment tool which can maximize recruitment potential and allow the best suited candidate, regardless of geographic location and current availability to be hired. This increase in speed of recruitment ensures that the most desirable candidates are not lost to faster recruiting companies and ensures a boost in productivity as quickly as possible.
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Recruitment Rocket
Frequently Asked Questions about Video Interview Software
Monday, August 12, 2013
A Glut of Antidepressants
Overdiagnosis of depression is seen as one factor in the rise in antidepressant use.
A Glut of Antidepressants
Why Video Interview Software Specialists Provide the Best Recruitment Service
Since video interviewing has become increasingly popular, there are many new companies offering online recruitment services which claim to provide the same service as professional recruitment services. In many cases, this is not so. There are a number of reasons why video interview software specialists can provide the best overall recruitment service.
Video Interview Software Specialists Have Specialist Skills
The recruitment process must be done correctly to provide great results. This requires knowledge about the need and operations of organizations. These specialists have the skills and experience to guide you on which questions should be asked during a video interview and can assist with reviewing the results.
They also have access to a number of resources that non specialists do not. These include safe and secure video interview software, databases and network contacts to maximize the impact of your recruitment campaign. They usually have industry knowledge which can be used to target your interview invitations to desirable candidates who may not actually be seeking a new position, but would be ideally suited to your vacant role.
Generic Agencies are Simpler
Simpler does not always mean more effective. A hit and miss approach to recruiting can compromise the entire recruitment campaign. Using inappropriate techniques, technologies or systems can compromise the future reputation of the company. It could also impede the progress of the recruitment process, slowing it down with delays which can lose desirable applicants along the way. With the nature of the internet, failures and bad news can spread quickly through close knit networks which can tarnish your reputation and your desirability as a potential employer.
With certain specialist skill sets becoming very in demand, the last thing that you want your potential employees to think is that your company is less than competent or unprofessional. Recruitment agencies which lack the insider knowledge and skills for your industry can actually cause a multitude of complications during their simpler process.
Specialist Services Provide a Full Service
Experience and expertise is recruitment should not be underrated. Being tempted by shortcuts in the process may have short and long term repercussions. Recruitment problems cannot be solved overnight, however with access to the right tools and techniques, you may be able to streamline the process and improve the methods in which you process applicants.
Since many companies are seeking to cut costs and reduce inefficiency, it is prudent to outsource aspects of the recruitment process to a service that have the expertise to deal with it efficiently and effectively. A specialist service is more capable of attracting a greater number of suitable applicants which will dramatically increase the chances of finding the best possible candidate for the role. They have the tools and technology to source talent and provide a greater diversity of hiring options
Although specialist services may seem a little more expensive, a professional service is always worth the extra cost. Ensuring you recruit the best possible candidate from a pool of highly suitable applicants will increase your chances of a candidate who provides a good fit to the role, team and company. This will reduce costs in the short and longer term by increasing productivity, boosting staff morale, improving staff retention rate and bolstering your company culture. This can provide strength within the company to shoulder any economic changes and move forward towards business goals. The cost of making a poor recruiting decision is one that few companies can stand to bear. By limiting your recruitment options through poor practice, you are increasing your chances of making a recruitment mistake and wasting a huge amount of company resources.
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Recruitment Rocket
Why Video Interview Software Specialists Provide the Best Recruitment Service
Human Resources Recruiting
In these tough economic times, all companies are faced with the decisions on how to streamline costs yet increase productivity. Unfortunately Human Resources departments are usually one of the first casualties. Many HR departments now have less staff but there are higher expectations on bringing in the best candidates possible. So what is the future for Human Resources recruiting?
There are many specialist recruitment agencies which are able to handle various aspects of the recruitment process. The key to effective outsourcing is to focus on tasks which your department lacks for either the staff resources or technological tools.
Many tasks such as pre-screening of candidates can be easily outsourced. This allows for the suitability of applicants to be effectively evaluated before they proceed further in the recruitment process. Pre-screening can be tailored to suit the particular role or company and can encompass skills and qualification verification, criminal and credit history checks and personal detail confirmation. This can be done through various checking facilities and open or closed format questionnaires. This ensures that when the formal interview stage is reached, the applicant pool is varied and filled with candidates who are not only qualified for the role but also well suited to it. This can speed up the recruitment process and ensure that valuable HR resources are not wasted skimming through resumes. Outsourcing the Pre-screening allows unsuitable applicants to be filtered out of the recruitment process without compromising the quality of the applicants proceeding further.
In many cases, HR department resources are so stretched that potentially great candidates are overlooked simply because their resume was not eye-catching. Pre-screening ensures that all applicants’ suitability is assessed for the basic knowledge, skills, qualification and personality needed to fulfill the role.
Utilize Human Resources Recruiting Tools
The developments in modern technology can be easily utilized for the recruitment process. Tools such as video interviewing are becoming more commonplace in Human Resources recruiting. Video interviewing allows for efficient time management, since applicants can be interviewed simultaneously. The questions are tailored and predetermined to suit the specific role and company. These questions are then posed to applicants for them to submit their video responses.
This provides an excellent recruitment tool. The interviews usually take place in the applicant’s own environment so they are relaxed and comfortable. This allows the applicant to showcase their talents, skills and knowledge. It also has proven to be more convenient, allowing the applicant to record their interview at a time suitable for them around their work schedule, family commitments and other obligations. There is also a huge amount of benefits for the recruiter. The video recordings can be viewed by any decision makers at a convenient time. They also provide a fuller perspective on the applicant, since you can see body language and non-visual cues without the applicant being distracted by unfamiliar surroundings and trying to judge the interviewer’s mood. Video interviews also open up the possibility of recruiting from further afield, since geography and time distances become irrelevant. This allows for candidates who are potentially the best suited to the role and the company is able to apply without the inconvenience and cost of travelling to multiple interviews and meetings.
There are a number of other recruitment tools which can provide a more efficient recruitment solution. If these tools are not readily accessible, the particular task could be outsourced to a specialist with access to the resources or tools to complete that aspect of the recruitment process.
Efficiency and Effectiveness
The key to contemporary HR recruitment is to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of the process. Recruitment can be a costly procedure which can have a long term impact on the company if the incorrect candidate is recruited. This is the main reason why many HR departments look to specialists for assistance.
Specialist agencies can provide industry knowledge for the specific field in which the role is based. This can be invaluable for a HR department who is expected to be a jack of all trades. This insider knowledge can not only source suitable candidates but ensure that the applicant pool proceeding to formal interview not only possesses the skills and qualifications needed for the role, but has the attitude and personality to allow them to flourish in the environment.
The HR department can still maintain a huge input in all aspects of the recruiting process, providing details on company culture, role requirements and skills needed, while leaving the time consuming aspects to a specialist.
The pressure on Human Resources departments to recruit the right candidate has increased significantly. All companies are aware of the long term costs recruiting an unsuitable candidate can have including decreased staff morale, higher staff turnover and impact on overall productivity. It therefore makes economic sense for the Human Resources recruiting procedure to utilize specialist agencies to outsource aspects of the process. This will ensure that the role is filled quickly and efficiently with the candidate best suited to the role, to allow an immediate impact on productivity and potential development. While this involves additional short term costs, the immediate and long term benefits can be beyond measure.
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Recruitment Rocket
Human Resources Recruiting